LP Rewards & Maturity

While LPs can claim their principal at any time, rewards can only be redeemed once the Farm’s strategy terms are met or reach maturity. Maturity periods are typically defined by the farm owners. At the time of Farm’s Token purchase, a portion of the future yield at maturity is provided to the LP as an immediate reward. While locking assets, certain strategies will offer LP's the option to choose maturity periods, which can range from a few months to several years, depending on the specifics of the associated strategy.

Upon maturity, the principal asset can be claimed using the claim token provided at the time of allocation and for yield, the LP has an option to either keep their $DXP rewards and take the difference actual yield in the underlying input asset, or return equivalent amount of $DXP that was awarded to them at the time of allocation and To withdraw principal liquidity before maturity, LPs must return the initial $DXP rewards. This strategy allows LPs to either take the underlying token rewards upon maturity or retain the $DXP tokens given to them earlier, a decision that can be made anytime until maturity or principal claim. Once the maturity period is over they will receive their remaining $DXP rewards and get their principle back.

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